Thursday, December 2, 2010


Islam is the most complete religion in the world. Islam is different with other religions; Islam is a perfect religion which covered all aspects of human life, social, economy, law, politics, and other aspects. In social life Islam has a rule to regulate human life such as a regulation about household life, neighboring life, relation between men and women, etc. Intention of the regulation of social life is to make human life nobler than animal life. In economy Islam has regulations to ensure that the economic wheels spinning evenly and fair in the midst of society so that no one live in economy difficulty or in other words live below the poverty line and no one are feels aggrieved in economy transactions. Government is obliged to ensure that every citizen or every head of household can meet their family needs and if they cannot government is obliged to meet their need. In Islam there is also doubtful debt rule which covered obligation and right both creditor and debtor and no riba inside and many other rules that govern muamalah whether in cooperation in business or in the sale and purchase. In the holy Qur’an there is many ayah talking about prohibition and punishment such as prohibition to do zina and the punishment for who did it with jild for unmarried yet and rajam for married and punishment for thieves with hand amputation. All the prohibitions and punishments in Syari’ah law is lead to the prevention and in order to keep balance in human life. In politics which is meant to govern human life, Islam has rule such as obligation to obey the leader, and many other rules. That is Islam; the complete religion, not only talk about ritual but also all aspects of life which means that Islam is the way of life, no others.


Recently, many disasters happened in around the world, especially natural disaster. In Guatemala, Germany, Florida, and China there are a sinkhole which appears suddenly in the middle of the city. In Mexico, Spain, United States and many other countries there is flood, even in the Middle East country, such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, which is the country with a very tropical climate which its area dominated by desert. In Arctic and Antarctica, the Ice Mountains melted in a huge amount which is caused an overflow water debit of the sea which will sink the world in a few years, according to experts’ analysis. In Indonesia itself, my country, there is a huge amount of disasters which happened every years, every months, every weeks, or such as happened recently, there is two big disasters happened in a day. According to the experts’ data, in 2008 there is 1.250 disasters happened in Indonesia which envelop flood, earthquake, tsunami, eruption, twister, etc. include small disaster. In 2009, the amount of disaster which happened in Indonesia shown a massive rising, from 1.250 disasters in 2008 became 1.500 disasters a year after. In 2010, the amount of disaster may rise and more than 2008 and 2009. Such as a measure, in October 2010 there are three big disasters happened in Indonesia. Big flood in Wasior, Papua which happened in October 4, and tsunami in Mentawai island which happened in October 26, and big eruption of Merapi Mountain in Sleman, Yogyakarta which happened in October 26. There is just small part of many disasters which happened in the world which its amount may reach thousands or even million disasters in around the world, whether small or big disaster and natural or non-natural disaster.


My hometown is the capital city of my country, Jakarta, North Jakarta exactly, and there are some interesting, important, and famous places around my home. First, the most important place is Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT), trade center of export and import. That place is in the right side or north of my home, may be two kilometers away from my home. Beside JICT, there is also fish market center in Cilincing in the north of my home. In the left side or south of my home there is Ramayana of Semper, which is the most visited place by me and my friends when we were children. In front or west of my home there is Rawa Badak Stadium, 500 meters away from my home and North Jakarta Youth Center (GRJU), 1 kilometer away from my home. These both place is the most visited place by young men and young women, some of them do sport or just hang out with their girl or boy friend or take a pleasure trip with family or even just for refreshing. Finally, in the east or behind my home, there are two places which is center of crowd in my hometown. First place is Koja market. This place is very crowd, especially in the morning. Second place is Jakarta Islamic Center mosque. This place was founded on the former of prostitution complex ground. The founder of that mosque is the government of DKI Jakarta which at that moment was led by Sutiyoso as governor of DKI Jakarta. That’s it my lovely hometown I live in with many interesting and important places which I can describe here. For me, the most important and interesting place in my hometown is JIC which is the central of Muslim activity in North Jakarta.


Dream has values which are very important for human life, but its values will work just if the dreamer believes in his dream. Some values of the dream in the human life had been mentioned by Westlife, boy band from England, in their song lyrics titled ‘I have a dream’ and I will give my interpretation below. The first value of dream is “to help me cope with anything”. This sentence means that with a dream everyone can solve any problem ahead in the way to make the dream comes true. The second value is “you can take the future”. I think this sentence means that with a dream everyone can know what will happen to him in the future earlier than someone who hasn’t a dream and he will prepare from now. The third value is “to help me through reality”. Reality sometimes is in the contrary with the wish. Someone who has a dream and believes that his dream will come true will have a more strength to past it, even if he was confronted by the worst condition. That is means of help to through reality. The last value, which had mentioned in Westlife’s song, is “pushing through the darkness”. Such as an interpretation in the sentence before, someone who has a dream and believes that his dream will come true, he may and will past even the worst condition (darkness) he confronts. So, someone who has a dream and wants to get its values has to believe in his dream and the dream will come true automatically.

Curriculum Vitae

Actually, I was introducing myself detail rarely to others, but now I will try to introduce myself detail as complete as I can. My name is Abdullatif Assalam. I usually called by Latif. In my birth certificate, family card, and KTP (citizen sign card) written that I was born in Jakarta, but the truth is I was born in Purwokerto, Central Java at 1991, 14th of January, nineteen years ago. I was born in Moslem family, in order that my religion is Islam. My home address is in North Jakarta, Komp. UKA Rt 013/08 Blok AT No. 01 Tugu Utara – Koja. But now I live in Semanggi I, Ciputat to support my academic activity in my college. My education history was begun when I entered kindergarten in 1995. A year after that, I entered state elementary school 11 pg North Jakarta. And then, when I graduated from elementary school, I moved to Serang – Banten to study at Islamic boarding school named Daarul Falah, which is near from my grandmother’s home. I studied there for six years, from 2002 until 2008, from junior high school until senior high school. Now, I am studying at state Islamic university (UIN) Jakarta, since 2008, at adab and humanities faculty, English literature and language department. Beside I study at UIN Jakarta, I also study at public speaking school Kahfi al-Karim Bintaro. In study, I not only concentrate to my academic purpose, but also have some organization experiences. My organization experiences are student union of Islamic boarding school Daarul Falah as secretary in academic year 2006 - 2007, language development of Islamic boarding school Daarul Falah as member of human relation division academic year 2007 - 2008, and now, I am a member of intellectual developing and researching division of student executive committee of English literature and language department. That is it I can introduce about all of myself detail.